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01560 673686


Caldwell and Dunlop Parish Chuch

Welcome Dunlop Kirk

Saturday 12 October 2024

Musical Evening in Dunlop Kirk
'Celtish' are touring Scotland in October
and are appearing in Dunlop Kirk tonight
Saturday, 12th October at 7pm.
They sing Celtic-influenced music and a range of
upbeat and reflective music, instruments, original songs and
familiar lyrics. By sharing stories about
the ancient Celtic Saints, they hope to
dispel some myths about them.
Tickets, suggested donation £5, are
available from Roy Wyllie (07812541501),
Charlotte McGuiness (07513048666),
and Nigel Waddell (07725958991) or by



Church front



Sunday Worship 13 October 2024

Caldwell Church 10.00 am
Dunlop Kirk 11.30am
All welcome.

Harvest Christian Aid envelopes are still available. 

Our Services of Worship are recorded and can be viewed here                

Services are live on our YouTube channel
and Services are live on Facebook.

Services can be listened to by calling 01505 805500 (local call rate)

You can access the service by clicking on this link to Dunlop Kirk's YouTube Service.

Dunlop Church of Scotland - YouTube Channel

Watch previous Caldwell recorded services here


If you would like to be part of our Zoom Caldwell and Dunlop Church congregation
Zoom service on Sunday normally starts at 11.15am.
We'll start with about 15 minutes of welcome and chat, before watching the online Service then more time for chat afterwards.
Let me know if you'd like to join us, and I'll email you the link. It is also possible to Zoom by telephone,
so if you know anyone who'd like to join that way, then let them, and me, know.


Celebration of the life of Robert Robertson
Dunlop Kirk 9 October 2024
If you missed the service you may watch online


Food Bank donation bags are now available in both our church sanctuaries and church halls.  
As organisations return from the summer break they'll be encouraged to make use of these donation collection points.  
If you'd like to help out by collecting the donations from time to time and delivering them to the Food Banks in Barrhead and Stewarton,
please contact Alison and hopefully we can make up a rota of deliverers!  
Below a link to the Trussell Trust website so you can have a look at their campaigns and activities
to bring about structural change for the benefit of those who find themselves unable to feed themselves and their families.


Sunday Morning Worship, 13 October in Dunlop Kirk at 11.30am.


 Tuesday Coffee, Tea and a Chat

Tuesday, 15 October 2024.
Open 10 - 11.30am.

Dunlop rear Church Hall.

All welcome.


Exploring the Bible are on Zoom on Tuesday mornings at 10.30am
Contact Rev. Alison McBrier for zoom details.
Recordings are also available.


Musical Memories on 9th October from 2-4pm in Dunlop Church Hall,
with singing, home baking, chat and companionship.


Celtish Concert in Dunlop Kirk on Saturday, 12th October at 7pm.
This duo sing Celtic-influenced music and a range of upbeat and reflective music.
Tickets, suggested donation of £5, are available from
Roy Wyllie, Charlotte McGuiness and Nigel Waddell.



Charity Tuesdays

when information about a particular charity is shared on our Facebook Pages every week.
If there’s a particular charity you’d like to publicise or promote -
could be a local, national or international organisation -
please contact our Minister, Rev Alison McBrier.



  The Church Hall

Booking for the church hall can be arranged now by contacting Brian McGaw

or  07359 063355.


Dunlop Diary - articles to be included in the Diary should be submitted to

Deadline for October Diary is Monday evening, 21 October 2024.
Please, please submit articles as soon as possible.
Email   or phone Margo 01560 484824. 

Please contact Rev Alison McBrier or Session Clerk, Margo McMurdo (contact page), if you have any questions.

If you want any information on the above or would like to join our email information list,
please email Alison or Margo on



Donations and givings

Donate to Dunlop Church of Scotland


 If you would like to make a donation to Dunlop Kirk,
 you can do so by clicking on this link

    Donate to Church of Scotland - Dunlop.


We are most appreciative of all the support we receive from members and friends of our congregation and parish,
 especially at this very difficult time.



Dunlop is a small, friendly village in rural Ayrshire.
We are United with Caldwell, in Uplawmoor, East Renfrewshire as Caldwell and Dunlop Parish Church of Scotland.

We in Dunlop Kirk feel that our church is at the heart of the community.
We have a long and proud history of loving and serving the people of our parish, which also includes the communities of Burnhouse, Lugton, Newmill and the Halket.
Continue to pray - for our communities - people of all ages.
For all those whose lives and occupations are disrupted, and who are struggling with financial uncertainty.
For those who are working to maintain supply chains, and essential services. For our civic and religious leaders.
For all those who work in healthcare - in whatever capacity.
For researchers and scientists who are continuing to create treatments and vaccines.

Keep caring for each other, as I know you are.
Please pass on my words here to anyone you know is not on-line.
Peace, and hope, and love be with you all,

Rev Alison McBrier,
Caldwell and Dunlop Parish Churches




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